Award winning phonics programme, created by practitioners, for practitioners.

Approved for use by the Department for Education.

…full systematic and synthetic phonics programme, complete with daily lesson plans, resources and a dedicated 'keep up' programme.

…decodable books that fully complement the scheme, featuring the alien characters from the Pip and Pap world.

…across multiple schools with a clear track record of raising standards in reading, writing and the Phonics Screening Check.

Learning to read and write should be engaging, fun and fuss free. Our complete SSP programme provides a wealth of resources, including daily plans and teaching booklets, complemented by a dedicated “keep up” programme. This ensures that learners are well supported to acquire the skills and confidence needed for successful decoding and encoding.

"The teaching of reading is a real strength in the school. This starts in Reception, where children receive expert support to develop their reading. Staff closely follow the phonics curriculum, which provides highly effective support for pupils who need more practise. Pupils read books that contain the sounds they have learned to develop their fluency. The school provides useful fortnightly workshops for parents to demonstrate how to support their child to read at home. Pupils develop into confident readers and fluent writers." - OFSTED [Southampton, 2024.]

"Staff make sure that children learn to read fluently. Staff teach the scheme expertly and with fidelity. Teachers build children's phonics knowledge skillfully. Any pupils who do need extra support are swiftly identified and helped to catch up." - OFSTED [Lymington, 2023.]

"Children learn to read quickly. The learn to match sounds to letters confidently. Pupils read books matched to the sounds they know. Staff are well trained and regularly check pupils' progress through the school's phonics scheme. Pupils who are struggling to keep up receive additional help." - OFSTED [Salisbury, 2024.]

We aim to empower teachers to make decisions that support their individual learners. By giving staff access to all plans and resources, teachers can make informed choices to tailor the learning activities to the needs of their groups as appropriate. Continuity of quality delivery is further supported via extension and support planning.

Pip and Pap are twins and best friends! They appear in the majority of the story books that accompany the phonics scheme. They live in a house with their Dad and their sisters, Min and Tisp. Both Pip and Pap are always getting up to adventures, but often find themselves in trouble! They are both very mischievous and cheeky, but they are kind and caring too. Pip likes baking cakes and eating sprouts on toast! Pap likes doing science experiments - and eating doughnuts with peanut butter!

Pip and Pap Phonics focuses on developing both reading and writing skills. Plans for each Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondence (GPC) are accompanied by high quality resources to promote opportunities for children to read and write independently. The programme can be used for whole class teaching or can be delivered to small groups. Pip and Pap helps to build the confidence of pupils to share their learning with pride, whilst developing their speaking and listening skills in the process.

We believe strongly that investing in a Systematic Synthetic Phonics Programme should not be costly for schools. Therefore, we provide our resources in electronic format, so that schools can print the number of resources they need, bespoke to their school.

“Friendly and familiar characters in the ‘Pip and Pap’ world support children to navigate their way through the programme, featuring in both the phonics resources and fully decodable book scheme.”

To contact us, check out our details below!